Terms of Entry

We would like to extend a warm welcome to visitors of the Sea Urchin Science Centre and Gallery. – enjoy your time with us. To ensure the safety and security of all our visitors and to protect our valuable collections and displays, we ask that you observe the following terms of entry:

  1. Additional terms of entry due to COVID-19

We encourage you to refer back to these Terms regularly, as they are updated in line with NSW Health and other Government directives (Orders) in response to the changing COVID-19 situation.

Think about your visit

In line with NSW Health Orders, please do not enter the premises if you or someone in your party:

  • is feeling unwell in any way
  • is experiencing flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, a sore throat or fatigue
  • has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
  • has visited a known COVID-19 case locationduring the relevant time and have been instructed to get tested and self-isolate
  • is awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test or has returned a positive result
  • have come from overseas and is required by law to quarantine

You may be denied entry in certain circumstances

We reserve the right to deny entry to you and members of your party if:

  • anyone fails to provide their personal information for Contact Tracing purposes.
  • In our opinion, any member of your party appears to have symptoms that may place other people at risk or pose a danger to public health.

Physical distancing must be observed

While inside the science centre and gallery, please stay at least 1.5m apart from other groups.

  1. While in the Science Centre and Gallery, you:
  • Accept that when you enter the Sea Urchin Science Centre and Gallery, you are at your own risk and acknowledge that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any loss, damage, harm or injury arising from your entry to the premises.
  • Must comply with any direction from staff.
  • Must not consume food and drink.
  • Must ensure that equipment and furniture provided for visitor comfort and convenience is used only for its intended purpose.
  • Must ensure children under 16 years of age are accompanied by an adult and are actively supervised at all times.
  • Must conduct yourself, and ensure any children in your care similarly conduct themselves, in a manner which does not interfere with, disrupt or offend other persons or engages in inappropriate behaviour which may result in injury to themselves or others.
  • Must wear appropriate clothing and footwear at all times.
  • Must not flush anything other than human waste down the toilet. Waste is treated by an on-site envirocycle.
  1. Safety and security

The Sea Urchin Science Centre and Gallery reserves the right to:

  • Exclude or remove any person from any building, or part of any building or site for any reason.
  • Visually or physically inspect any bag or object, while you are on the premises – this may require your assistance to move or remove items from the bag to facilitate inspection.
  • Prohibit any other personal items it deems necessary.
  1. Prohibited items may not be brought into the Science Centre and Gallery

Prohibited items are:

  • Any animal (other than an assistance animal accredited under a State or Territory law to assist a person with a disability to alleviate the effects of disability; or that is accredited by an animal training organisation).
  • Any kind of real or toy weapon, firearms or other items or substances which we consider to be dangerous.
  • Tripods, selfie-sticks, aerosol containers are not permitted.
  • Any item which, we consider capable of being used to cause damage to our collections or conceal a collection object for removal.
  1. Protecting the collections and Displays – things you must not do:
  • Use any photographic, video or audio recording equipment without prior permission.
  • Use professional photography equipment, including flashes, without the prior approval.
  • Touch, or in any other way, interfere with collection objects or displays unless permitted.
  • Smoke anywhere on the premises.
  • Eat or drink (including having containers of food or drink) in display areas and galleries or other places where this is restricted. Food and drink may be consumed in designated spaces outside.
  • Place items on the “Theme Cabinet” displays. The covers are acrylic, so are easily scratched.
  • Lift the covers off or open the display cabinet doors.
  1. Cancellation Policy:

In the event that you cancel your tour, the following cancellation criteria applies:

  • Bookings cancelled more than a week prior to the tour date will be given a full refund minus a $40 booking fee.
  • Cancellations within a week of the tour date will be refunded at the rate of 50%.
  • Cancellations that occur on the tour date will not be refundable.